Saturday, October 27, 2018

How to Read the Bible for Teenagers - Ask Pastor John

When the teenage years come, we get to teach our kids how to move from reading the Bible to studying it. Here are seven places to start.

Here’s a wonderful question from a dad of teens, named Ryan. Ryan is a ministry partner with us at DG, and he and his bride recently joined us in the beautiful state of Washington. There you led a few live Look at the Book (LAB) sessions, Pastor John, teaching the Bible by drawing on the text on your iPad. After the event, Ryan wrote to ask us this: “Pastor John, hello! Watching you work through Scripture in LAB form is so encouraging to my own soul and my own Bible study. Thank you! As we look to disciple our teenage children at home, however, we can feel inadequate explaining passages this way, and are concerned that we are either missing the point, or worse, teaching them incorrectly. Do you recommend using techniques like you do in LAB when training children? Or do you recommend another technique? How can parents of teens train their kids to do something LAB-like?”

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