The new birth is not about getting a new religion; it is about getting new life. Too many have found religion, but missed Jesus altogether.
Now, John makes sure that
we know Nicodemus is a Pharisee. He did not need to tell us that. This text
would make perfectly good sense if he said, “A man came to Jesus by night and
said, ‘I know you’ve been doing some great things from God,’” and Jesus says,
“You need to be born again.” Perfect. No problem. Why does John tell us
Nicodemus is a Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews?
Answer: a new religion will do you
no good at all. These are the most religious people on the planet. They’re the
most religious Jewish people. So you may be a perfectly good Baptist, Lutheran,
Methodist, Episcopal, Catholic — religious to the core — and lost. John wanted
us to get this. Here are the Pharisees, the paragon of disciplines, the paragon
of prayer, the paragon of moral uprightness and keeping his nose clean and
showing up at all the meetings, and he’s lost — he’s dead.
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