Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Sacred Riana's Full SCARY Performances On AGT - America's Got Talent...

It’s become a sort of tradition for eliminated contestants on “America’s Got Talent” to thank the fans for their support, but ghost magician Sacred Riana is anything but traditional.

Staying in character till the bitter end, this 26-year-old magician and illusionist from Indonesia not only failed to thank the fans, but she also refused to say a single word. Instead, Sacred Riana’s exit interview (watch above) simply features her giving creepy looks to the camera. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.

What Is Union with Christ? - Ask Pastor John

What does it mean to be united to Christ? John Piper shows how we can begin to mine the riches of this doctrine from Scripture.

Charles Spurgeon once said, “There is no joy in this world like union with Christ. The more we can feel it, the happier we are.” Union with Christ is the center of our salvation and our sanctification and central to all of our deepest joys in this life. Dozens of New Testament texts prove the dominance of this theme. So how can we get our head around all these texts to really feel this union as we ought? That’s today’s email. “Hello, Pastor John! My name is Taylor, a 21-year-old student at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Thank you for your teaching and preaching over the decades. My question is: What is union with Christ? The more I study and read, especially older theologians and church fathers, the more I see this concept spoken of, but it does not make sense to me. I don’t hear a lot of pastors talking about it today. Can you help me? What does it mean to be united to Christ, and what are a few of the most significant implications of it?”

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Interested In Starting Your Own Business? This Is For You!

In the event that you are contemplating beginning a business, you have gone to the correct place. This article means to give you data concerning this.

If you wish to set up a company that is a limited one or if you want to trade like a sole trader, you should consider the benefits of having a limited company. Continue reading on to find out more.

What Is A Sole Trader Or Partnership?

• A sole trader/partnership claims to be an individual(s) present in business who are themselves responsible for any debts along with liabilities of that particular business.

Kill Sin or Sin Will Kill You - Battling Unbelief

Killing sin is not optional. In this lab, John Piper explains how even though we are not saved by works, none of us will make it to heaven without actively killing our sin. Some questions to ask as you read and study: Sin always over promises and under delivers. So what lies do you often believe that cause you to fall into sin? Watch the lab. Why should we think of killing sin as a life and death matter if we are saved by faith? Why is it important to understand this? What daily habits have you practiced that resulted in seasons where sin was easier to fight against? How can you implement those again this week?

Killing sin is not optional. In this lab, John Piper explains how even though we are not saved by works, none of us will make it to heaven without actively killing our sin.

Monday, October 29, 2018

All Golden Buzzers Auditions on America's Got Talent 2018 | Got Talent G...

Watch all the amazing golden buzzers on America's Got Talent 2018 (AGT), who did you think was the best out of all the auditions?

What Are The Legit Ways to Make Money Online?

There are innumerable approaches to profit on the web. A large number of sites offer online cash influencing tips to perusers with the goal that they to can acquire additional greenbacks. In any case, not all sites accentuate on the authentic methods for winning greenbacks on the web.

Along these lines, rather than aimlessly following the tips refered to on any and each site, you should put every one of your endeavors on the legitimate methods for profiting. In this article, we will run you through 5 genuine approaches to make additional money. There are various genuine approaches to profit on the web; be that as it may, we will list the best five authentic courses for your thought here.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

How to Read the Bible for Teenagers - Ask Pastor John

When the teenage years come, we get to teach our kids how to move from reading the Bible to studying it. Here are seven places to start.

Here’s a wonderful question from a dad of teens, named Ryan. Ryan is a ministry partner with us at DG, and he and his bride recently joined us in the beautiful state of Washington. There you led a few live Look at the Book (LAB) sessions, Pastor John, teaching the Bible by drawing on the text on your iPad. After the event, Ryan wrote to ask us this: “Pastor John, hello! Watching you work through Scripture in LAB form is so encouraging to my own soul and my own Bible study. Thank you! As we look to disciple our teenage children at home, however, we can feel inadequate explaining passages this way, and are concerned that we are either missing the point, or worse, teaching them incorrectly. Do you recommend using techniques like you do in LAB when training children? Or do you recommend another technique? How can parents of teens train their kids to do something LAB-like?”